Thursday, April 19, 2012

[US] Massive World Raids? Regain Realm Domination? (Alliance Faction)

Before I speak about the topic, I just want to give everyone a little information about my previous experience being guild/clan leader. I've been in gaming all my life, like many of you, but there's just something great about creating guilds/clans that keep you playing these games a little longer than usual. Its about creating something that you are proud of and that your members represent. That NO MATTER WHAT, there is always someone standing by awaiting your orders. If you're a guild leader, then you know what I'm talking about.

I've been a guild/clan leader for about 6 years now and have experience in leading in all kinds of games. Here's a few of those games and my clans/guilds:

Halo 2/3 - Son of Evil (5,500+ members), Against All Odds (600+ members), The Empire (2,000+ members).

World Of Warcraft - [Mal'Ganis] Godsent (2,300+ members), [BlackRock] The Empire (1,100+ members).

MapleStory - [Bellocan] ImmortalGods + Branches (900+ members), [Scania] PhukScania (91 members), [Demethos] Sweet3stDrug + Branches (1,600+ members).

Travian - [US1] PowerHouse + Branches (1200+ members), Against All Odds + Branches (250+ members).

These are just a few with accurate information on all my guilds. About 4 months ago I quit WoW and was about to move on with my life, when a couple of my friends told me about needing me for the realm Cho'Gall. I payed no mind to them until I received a message to my email saying:

From: KuM0rA585@*********.com

Subject: Horde Win

Message: I made you quit. Now we own Mal'Ganis and Cho'Gall.

Its the sort of thing that only guild leaders would know not to back down from. So with the help of my friends, customers (I own a lan in nyc), and my wife (Im not a kid), I've decided to come back onto WoW and kick some more ass.

Now, on to the subject. I'm back on WoW, and I am on the realm Cho'Gall. The Empire is back and I can guarentee that the horde will be over-run. We already have many members from other realms joining in on this massive plan. Although, we do have lots of members (roughly 400-500), we need A LOT more. I've looked into the numbers and statistics show that we are out numbered (18% alliance & 82% horde).

{This is where you come in}

We are looking for anyone that wants to become a part of WoW's BIGGEST WORLD RAID, High leveled or Low leveled, WE WANT YOU! Toon transfers are welcomed just the same as beginners. I know there are many doubters out there and I have just 1 message for you:

Doubters are usually guild leaders who think its impossible to gather and contain many people in one guild because their previous attempts have failed them. Doubters then become haters because of my progress.

Why Doubt? Try it out, and if it fails your name isn't posted everywhere, its mines!

We are already running instances for low lvl and high lvl equips. We all work together therefore, since everyone is granted with 2 professions, we expect you to use them to contribute to the guild. There are 2 meetings held a week, Saturday nights and Sunday mornings. We have 3 Tundra Mammoths and are still gathering the gold for 2 more. Why 5 you ask? Where are you gonna repair your equips when we're going to be scattered all over in groups during the raid? (HAH). We have accumilated over 300,000 gold (150 members) in the past 7 days and repetitive epic equips. These can all be available to you for FREE (No Joke). We are still in the beginning stages of this massive plan to Regain Realm Domination (RRD). We need more people to speed things up! Message any of the people below in game if you want to become a part of The Empire. Reply if you have comments or questions.

The Emporer - MayanPharoah (me)

High Council - OMGitzLee

Council - DoomChism

Generals - Trisen, Relinqwish.

Random Info:

Most of us use Ventrilo.

There are females in The Empire who prefer not to be hit on.

Current Member Age Range is 13-31.

Everyone gets a job upon entering!

We take things serious and mess around only when our duties are done.

Existing guilds are soon to be merging into The Empire!

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