Thursday, April 19, 2012

Free Public Ventrilo, for all your guild's needs

Hello All,

For those of you who don't know what Ventrilo is, it's a program somewhat like TeamSpeak, you join a server, make your log-in name and then join a room where people are having a conversation (If they or you don't want you in the room they will either tell you so or the room will be password protected.)

Our server boasts over 150 dedicated vent-users with a 99% uptime and a dedicated and helpful administration team (server mods run the server, admins take care of the server, and channel mods (you can be one if you so wish!) take care of there own room with the ability to kick anyone in your room!)

We also hold events, usually around 2 to 3 a week, which attract many people. There are DJs streaming music and everything you could ask for! I have seen many Ventrilo servers, and believe you me I have never seen a better-run or smooth-running server as The Multivent. This would be a great way to further WoW�s community aspect. Everyone is friendly, and if they aren�t they are promptly banned!

To download Ventrilo simply Google search it. Then, at the top of the window under "user name" click "create new" and type in your login name. Then underneath, "Server", again, click "new" and under "hostname or ip" put "". And under "port #" put "5133". After that, click connect, and... Voila! You should be in the muted welcome room,


Please email me at if you're interested. We will make you a Guild Room as soon as you know you are for real. Rooms unused for long periods of time WILL be deleted. We're a very active Ventrilo server, with at least four admins on at a time. PLEASE EMAIL ME, or post so I can get what you want your room be called. What we'll do is make you a guild room, make whomever the guild master (or whoever is running the vent for the guild) a channel moderator, and then they can make as many subchannels as they wish. But please, don't make too many, we try to keep our server as clean as possible.

Hope to hear from you soon!


Admin for The Multivent

PS: Even if you aren't in a guild, there are other guilds here and you might find a guild that's just perfect for you.

PPS: Also, if you're a casual gamer, come in and hang out with us! Hey, I did!


PLEASE DON'T CALL ME A SPAMMER, I AM A REAL PERSON SIMPLY TRYING TO BENEFIT THE GAMING COMMUNITY. E-mail me at, if you want to express any frustration at me posting this. I do not mean to be a spammer. Thanks.|||/bump


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