Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hardcore/Mature Role-Play Guild

Name: Cheshire Cats

Affiliation: Alliance

Server: Sisters of Elune

RP-Type: As heavy as heavy can get.

URL: The Cheshire Cats

Special Note:We don't advertise because we want, or need more members. We advertise just to let other heavy role-players know we are here. They have a choice for the best.

ALSO!: We have an OPEN TO ALL role-play board on our site where you are more then welcome to come play on. You can post your characters description, history, start a role-play thread or join one in progress. NO registration or membership is required to play there.

IC Notes:

Cheshire Cats aint fer everyone.

"We have no friends. Friends are actually a luxury no Cat can afford these days. Friends are temporary, translucent, and expendable. This is not an age for friends. As varied as we are, from the criminal, to the holy, to the utterly insane, there is too little stability for friends. Besides, would you have us? We are from every undesirable corner of your horridly unfair world, each a product of the fate's wrath and distaste. Where in your perfect life could we possibly fit? Oh, I'm sure that there are those of you who would take us in, wash our wounds, and then use us to your own ends and egos. We will not have it, not now, or ever. We are no one's crutch or burden, and we are no ones mission to salvation. We stand the Cheshire Cats, and we have no friends.

We have family. "

- Isral McCullough, Late Shadow Knight of the Cheshire Cats

That's what we are about. About giving a family to those who have none one way or another. Families take all kinds. So do we. The good, the bad... the ugly, the beautiful. Our differences, our passions, are what bind us together. Make us one. Think yer all alone out there, yer only friend yer bitter thoughts? yer not. We stick together through everything. We believe in second chances. We believe in each other.

Yeah, we may be rough around the edges... ferget manners *belches*, er even dance on tables *shrug*. But we know how to have fun and we live each day like it might be our last.

If yer looking fer the pink bunny foo foo gangs.. look elsewhere. Here if ye aint tough enough... we'll eat ye alive. We are what society has turned its back on. We are that nasty glint in peoples eyes. We are that taste in yer mouth that just won't go away.

We have a rep of being hated and despised. We don't care, and carry such a reputation with pride. While those who spit and jeer at us remain jealous and apart from us... only a Cheshire Cat knows what it's like to truly belong. Because even in our rag tag band of misfits... we have a better and truer understanding of what family REALLY is. Society may brush ye aside, leave ye wandering lost and alone... Ye will have a home with the Cats.

This gang is about having the choice to live life the way you see fit, even if that goes against society's rules, and knowing that you'll have a bunch of friends ready to back you up for what you've chosen.

OOC stuff


* Well established, over three years old.

* Mature, intelligent members.

* We welcome all types of role-players. Long as you are respectful of the players on the other side of the characters. We're all here to have fun. In this guild we will not judge you for what you enjoy role playing, after all it's your business. Who are we to judge anyway?

* We believe we PAY to role-play, so why not do it.

* Be lvl 15 or Higher. You gotta show you care about your character.

* Have a serious desire to role play... or even if you cannot role play all that well and want to learn from the best... we will help teach you. Just have the passion.

* We follow Blizzards Role-Play server guide-line. (Yes there really is one.)

* Role-play all the time, means all the time. Period. You login to your Cat character, you are IC.

* Dedicated OOC channel available.

* We have active members ready to help others with questing, items, etc.

* NOTE: We play the characters no one else wants to play. The evil, the rotten, the questionable, the unsure. Don't feel restricted with role-play here. And don't worry about members confusing YOU with your character. ALL Cheshire Cats ahere heavily to The Line.

What you will not see in this guild:
  • People blurring the Line so badly that just because they like someone OOC they make their char do something totally out of the norm. Ie: Just because 2 people may be screwing each other OOC- having their chars do something they have sworn by blood not to.

  • Members harassing each other OOC because someone's character did something to theirs they didn't like.

  • IC actions being held against people OOC.

  • Degrading other members, and rudely criticizing their methods of RP. Here we nurture and help. Not put down and make others feel bad.

  • The guild leader ignoring Line violations or member harassment.- The guild leader here is impartial, and will always do what is best for the guild and its members.

  • And more- But that's just the general idea.

Mods that are required

Flag RSP v2, or other similar role-play addon. Links to each, and how to use and install are provided on the site.

I started the Cats a long time ago.... About six months after i started playing WoW. I thought it would be fun. I was right and wrong.

It's been very hard work. There have been both good and bad times. i wouldn't change either for the world.

What started out as a simple RP guild has changed over the months and years, into so much more. What started as a conceptual family in character has turned into one Out Of Character.

Members take pride in saying they are a Cheshire Cat. Being a Cat is a way of living to us. Being a Cat strikes deep into ones heart where things you are passionate about are blown into a living representation.

It's just FUN to be a Cat!

We love to role-play, but we have a motto.

Real Life first- Always.

We understand if you can't make a meeting, or an event... we try hard to work the game around real life- as it should be. :)

So while IC we may look a little shady and questionable.. OOC we are the best bunch around.


Kat or K�t- Guild Mistress




If neither of them are available, please feel free to look up any of our members who may be available when you're around, and talk to them :)

**Note: One thing i'd like to point out here, we are not a huge guild. We are tight knit family. Both IC and OOC. We are a special collection of really great role-players who aren't afraid to play a character that is outside the box. We believe it's quality of people, not numbers. When you see us advertising, it's not because we want more people more people, it's because we simply want to let the role-players out there we are here. They have a choice.

As far as raiding goes, the Cats have enough to hit those 'high end' places like Kara, but we prefer to take our time and help others obtain the level to join us. Coz that's what we are about.

We are here for the role-play, for the %2 of people out there who aren't afraid to step up and play a hard core character, not for the %2 drop rate item.

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