Saturday, April 21, 2012

Heavy Roleplaying Guild In Moon Guard! <Order of the Onyx>

Order of the Onyx, a Moon Guard guild of the Horde alliance, is looking for active, solid roleplayers to join the community. The guild was founded by Lucianus, a player who has had many years in AOL text-based roleplay. There is a strong ranking system built for the Order, and all progression is based off of RP contributions. All rank insignia is completely original. We're looking for players with both strong leadership and followership capability, willing to take on in-game responsibilities that will be demanding of even experienced roleplayers. Please visit for more information, or email Thank you.

- What's the backstory on the Order of the Onyx?

A: The order of the onyx was created by Lucianus, someone thought to be something of a 'radical' prophet. He claims to have been visited by a God named 'In'Sin', a god with many different philosophies for the fate of the Horde. There are two main philosophies, though, that guide the Order of the Onyx in every duty they perform.

The first of these philosophies are one in'sin has called 'the ultimate union' which is a union of all races of the horde on a spiritual level, unlike what the 'false union' of politics and agreements. This union is to be created by involving every disciple in a commitment with another, allowing them to learn fully of eachother, understand and empathize with their personal situations, regardless of race, former creed and any prior held discrimination. Taking the Oath of In'Sin is one that will require you to cleanse yourself of the qualities that would prevent such a union.

The second of the main philosophies is one that teaches of peace. Lucianus assures that members of the Order understand that they must be willing to choose intellect and strategy over the sword, and only fight when they are commanded to. In'Sin feels that the war of this current world is a terrible sickness, one that is plaguing many members of the Horde. He feels they are taught first to fight with the blade before understanding why it is they fight at all. He also believes that it is the selfish will of political leaders that drives these nations to war, killing off young, vibrant souls before giving them the opportunity to become something more. So, it is taught that even in the most dire situations, the disciples of the Order of the Onyx will maintain faith and the power of presence against what may seem certain death and will not fight unless commanded. It is believed that this may be the greatest course of action to heal such a severe plague of sickness.

-Are there level restrictions/race restrictions?

A: No. All characters at all levels and all races of the Horde may be accepted into the Order.

-Does the guild do questing/end-game/raids?

A: The guild does participate in questing at the 'player level.' If two players decide they want to go through a quest together, it's encouraged they do so IC, aiding one another as two members of the Order would.

The guild, however, will not participate in end-game and raiding content. From what I have seen in the past, too many heavy roleplaying guilds have fallen into the trap of associating themselves with these demanding in-game tasks and it has resulted in the roleplay nearly disappearing completely. So, this will be discouraged. Order of theOnyx is strictly about roleplaying, it's our main focus. So, we won't allow for anything that might jeapordize the possibility of allowing good roleplay to flourish.

-Is the Order of the Onyx Heavy/Medium/Light RP?

A: We are a strict "Heavy Roleplaying" guild. All players assigned are required to stay in character absolutely at all times unless an out of character statement is necessary. Even then, we have an OOC channel, which all members are allowed in, to chat away in OOC. Even the guild's GuildChat is IC, through the Channeling Stone that will be assigned in game. So again, all out of character should remain in the OOC channel. Other than that, roleplay will be strictly enforced and failure to adhere to this rule will result in removal from the guild all together.

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